quarta-feira, 8 de maio de 2013

Make Up Girls!

Today I will teach a make up simple and easy to make, but very modern!!

1º Step: Apply foundation cream.

It’s always important to clean tone and moisturize your face before applying make-up.
Find one that is closest to your skin tone. Use the fingertips or a sponge to dab the foundation cream in all face and neck, spread until are an even skin.

2º Step: Apply concealer
Apply the concealer to hide blemishes, uneven tone and dark under eyes.

3° step: Apply powder
Pat powder on all areas of your face and neck to set your foundation and concealer.

4° Step: Apply eyeshadow
Using a brush, apply a soft color all over your eyelid, only to light the eyes.

5° Step: Apply eyeliner
Draw with a black eye pencil a thin line as close to the lashes as possible from inside your eyes to the outer corner. After make a outline with a Black liquid eyeliner. 

6° Step: Apply mascara
Apply mascara on the upper and lower eyelashes several times.

7° Step: Apply blush
Lightly brush across the apple of your cheeks in thin layers.

8° Step: Apply lipstick (aplicar o baton)

Put on a pink or red lipstick and blend your lips together. Light make up only with eyeliner leave the eyes simpler, usually stands out the lips with strong colors. I will wear a pink lipstick to let perfect the look.

And a last tip, always remove all your make up at night before going to bed.


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